A Revolutionary Pain Free Acupuncture Therapy

In recent years, we have seen exciting growth in the use of acupuncture due to its miraculous therapeutic results, as well as the occurrence of virtually zero side effects. However, many patients, although willing to experience this ancient art, shy away for fear of needles and undesirable pain. Through her abundant clinical experience, Dr. Ping Gu has researched and designed a revolutionary needling technique that, quite simply, is administrated with the absence of any pain or other discomfort. Literally, there are often instances where the patient is totally unaware that any needles have been inserted. Subsequently, Dr. Gu has been labeled with the moniker "Magic Hand". This "no-pain" technique is facilitated through the utilization of several simple advancements:

  1. The disposable needle is sheathed within a tube that affords a steadier, more expeditious insertion. The needle literally penetrates the skin at a speed too great to cause pain to the patient. 
  2. Following the needle insertions, a magnetic heat therapy is used to relax the patient's muscles and eliminate any feeling of discomfort.
  3. Finally, a multi-purpose health device is used to reduce the number of needles previously required obtaining the desired therapeutic results.

Dr. Ping Gu  

  • MD, University of Tokyo, Japan
  • OMD (Oriental Medical Doctor), Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China
  • Licensed Acupuncturist, California; Diplomat Herbologist, NCCA
  • Researcher, UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles 

Dr. Gu has over twenty years of practical experience in the United States, China and Japan. She is an expert in her field, specializing in:

  1. Relief from lower back pain, shoulder pain, headaches, knee pain, joint pain due to various causes, especially for the worker's compensation, sports or autoinjury.
  2. Relief of stress, fatigue, insomnia, and depression.
  3. Allergic reactions such as itching, acne, rash, pollen hypersensitivity, asthma, and coughing.
  4. Female disorders such as irregular or painful menstruation, poor circulation, premenstrual syndrome, etc.
  5. Able to reduce or minimize the side-effects from chemotherapy and radiation
  6. Immune system diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis
  7. Digestive system disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome, constipation.
  8. Weight loss, energy rejuvenation, and sexual function
  9. Frequent night urination or uncontrollable urinary leakage
  10. Tinnitus

Should you be experiencing any difficulties with your health, there is no longer any need to have a fear or misunderstanding of needles. Dr. Gu is available within the offices at (818) 609-9888 to alleviate your ailments.
